Documentum service monitoring


We have a custom program monitoring the docbase, docbroker, fulltext, disk space availability. You could use the scripts provided by Documentum and create a monitoring tool for yourself. 

Monitoring Scripts

Content Server

Content Server- Status

A Java program in the server-impl.jar file. The command line syntax is:
java com.documentum.server.impl.utils.ContentServerStatus -docbase_name xxxx -user_name
On UNIX, the return value is recorded in the variable $?. On Windows, the return value is recorded in %ERRORLEVEL%.

Connection broker

dmqdocbroker Located in %DM_HOME%\bin ($DM_HOME/bin) The syntax is:
%DM_HOME%\bin\dmqdocbroker -t host_name -c ping

$DM_HOME/bin/dmqdocbroker -t host_name -c ping

host_name is the name of the machine hosting  the connection broker.

On UNIX, the return value is recorded in the variable $?. On Windows, the return value is recorded in %ERRORLEVEL%.

Java method Server

Test Connection A Java program in the server-impl.jar file. On UNIX, the command line syntax is:

java TestConnection host port servlet

On Windows, the command line syntax is:

java TestConnection host port

host is the Java Method Server (JVM)  host machine;
port is the port the JVM is using; and
servlet is the value in  dm_server_config.app_server_name that
represents the JVM.

On UNIX, the return value is recorded in the variable $?. On Windows, the return value is recorded in %ERRORLEVEL%.

Index Agent

IndexAgentCtrl A Java program in the server-impl.jar file.

The command line syntax is: java com.documentum.server.impl.utils.IndexAgentCtrl -docbasename  repositoryname -username username -action status

repositoryname  is the name of a repository served by the agent and username is the user

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