How to run Documentum jobs manually using iAPI/DQL ?


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Following are the commands (DQL/IAPI) to run the jobs manually.

1.iAPI Editor
# apply,c,NULL,DO_METHOD,METHOD,S,[job name], ARGUMENTS,S,[list of arguments]
2. DQL Editor()
#EXECUTE do_method WITH method = [method name], arguments = [list of arguments]

 To change the trace level of a job, use DQL:
                        update dm_job object set method_trace_level = [trace level] where
                        object_name = [job name]
 To determine which jobs are currently running, use this DQL:

                      select object_name, r_object_id from dm_job where a_special_app =                                         'agentexec'
Once you get the object id, you can dump the object and see other attributes and query them as per your needs/analysis.

Happy Running jobs