How to install and configure My Documentum for Microsoft Outlook(MYDOUT)?


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I got task to install and configure My Documentum for Outlook . .The most confusing part is to dig through all the documentation which is scattered all over place for different components in this installation.

MyD-Outlook_6_7 /Sp1/Sp2 supports all Content Server 6.5 version and later .

These are the steps i followed and it all worked out .

1- First thing first , make  an excel sheet and note down your current environment  specification for content server , web server . My environment settings are 6.5 SP3 , Tomcat 5.5.35


2- Download the matched version for My Documentum for Outlook , you have to download dar(MyD-Outlook_6_7.dar) file and My-Documentum-for-Microsoft-Outlook-6.7SP1.exe .

3- Download WAR/EAR file as per your applications server (WAR for Tomcat and EAR for IBM WAS)

4-  Install the DAR file using composer dar installer to all the repositories which you want to expose for MYD(My Documentum )- straight forward , no issues, it should be installed to global as well as other repositories you want to use in My Documentum.

5- Check out the following file dco_custom_settings.xml from given path /System/Applications/DCO and add all the repositories you want to enable for MYD. Empty login mode means normal mode , where user need to input user id and password to connect with repository.Repository name is case sensitive

<Repository name="TEST" LoginMode=""/>

6- Unzip the War file and add the file to following location My-Documentum-for-Microsoft-Outlook-WebService-6.7\WEB-INF\classes

7- Make war file again

8- Add the following tag to server.xml file in the Tomcat root folder/conf (example-C:\Tomcat\conf) and add the following tag. Here the tag provided in admin guide does'nt work with Tomcat so just make sure that you use this tag between <host>  </host>

<Context path="" docBase="My-Documentum-for-Microsoft-Outlook-WebService-6.7"
antiJARLocking="true" reloadable="true" />

9 Make sure you have enough memory for Tomcat  .




10 – Deploy the WAR file on tomcat which you created in step 7 and start the tomcat server .

11- Go to your DA installation and uncomment the following xml tags from it and restart the DA applications. This enables the administration node in DA for outlook profiles management.

Path for this file DA Installation folder\webtop\config\administration_component.xml

<node componentid=’dcoadmin’>




12- Install the My-Documentum-for-Microsoft-Outlook-6.7SP1.exe on your system ,its straight forward next –next.

13- Configure the My Documentum using Outlook and you will be able to see one extra Menu in Outlook and click on it , configure the repositories.  Two things to remember here.

URL of your deployed application


You might get error saying, no repositories available, that means, your setting which you changed in DA step 5 are not working, restart DA , content server, try again. Once it is up and running, you can configure the profiles using DA outlook node as per your business requirement


Happy installing.


Please let me know if you face any problem by a comment .

How to change installation owner password on content server?


Category: , ,

There are two types of system , one is Windows based and other is Unix flavor.


For Windows based systems and we are considering dmadmin as installation user on the system.

(This works on WinXP/Win2000/Win2003/Win2008/Win7)

1- Go My Computer

2- Right click on icon

3- Click on manage

4- Go users

5- Right click on your installation user id –dmadmin -

6- Right click and change the password, restart your system


Unix based system – it will work on almost all but you can consult your specific Unix flavor for password changing command but it works on almost all.

1- Login to system

2- $passwd

3-$Changing password for dmadmin

4-$(current) UNIX password:

5-$Enter new UNIX password:

6-$Retype new UNIX password:

7-$passwd: password updated successfully

8-$ restart your docbase services.(docbroker/method server/repository services.)


Good Luck

How to change DB password for any repository on Content Server?


Category: ,

Follow the steps -


- Stop docbase
- change the password in database – go to Oracle/MS SQL Server/DB2/SyBase—whatever DB you are using.
- change the dbpasswd.txt

- Re-encrypt the dbpasswd.txt file do the following
cd $DM_HOME/bin
dm_encrypt_password -docbase <docbase name> -rdbms -encrypt <database password>
- Start the docbase


Good Luck

How to install path variables on Centos for installing Content Server?



Setting Global Environment Variables in CentOS
April 16, 2009 – 6:52 pm
The easiest way to set an environment variable in CentOS is to use export as in

$> export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk.1.5.0_12


However, variables set in such a manner are transient i.e. they will disappear the moment you exit the shell. Obviously this is not helpful when setting environment variables that need to persist even when the system reboots.

In such cases, you need to set the variables within the system wide profile. In CentOS (I’m using v5.2), the folder /etc/profile.d/ is the recommended place to add customizations to the system profile.

For example, when installing the Sun JDK, you might need to set the JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME environment variables. In this case:

Create a new file called
vim /etc/profile.d/

Within this file, initialize the necessary environment variables
export JRE_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_12/jre
export PATH=$PATH:$JRE_HOME/bin

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_12

export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

Now when you restart your machine, the environment variables within will be automatically initialized (checkout /etc/profile if you are curious how the files in /etc/profile.d/ are loaded) .

PS: If you want to load the environment variables within without having to restart the machine, you can use the source command as in:

$> source

What variables to set while installing Content Server on Unix based OS?


Category: ,

Following are the variables which need to be setup before you start the installation of the Content server on Unix based operating system like Linux/Solaris/AIX./Centos/RH. Change the path of the variables as per your requirement and include them in the bash profile of the user which is your installation user.


export ORACLE_BASE=/export/home/dm_admin/
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/oracle/product/oracleversion/client_1/
export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/local/bin:

alias home='cd $ORACLE_HOME'

export TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin

export DOCUMENTUM=/opt/documentum
export DM_HOME=$DOCUMENTUM/product/6.5
export JAVA_HOME=$DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/java/1.5.0_21
export CLASSPATH=$DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/dctm.jar:$DM_HOME/dctm.server.jar:



export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$DM_HOME/bin:$DOCUMENTUM/dba:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/usr/bin




I hope it helps.


Happy installing.

How to configure Gmail to receive and send emails using Godaddy POP/SMTP server?



1- Get godaddy email id example

2- Get POP/SMTP address of your site which you get when you host your site and email on Godaddy along with the port number for SSL example

Server     Standard Ports
Incoming server (POP3):     110, 995 (SSL)
Outgoing server (SMTP):     80, 3535, 25, 465 (SSL)

If you don't these settings, you can ask Godaddy hosting provider .


3- Go to your Gmail account –> click on settings on left hand side.


4-Click on Accounts Tab



5- Click on Add pop account you own.

6- Add your email id with full login id example


7- Enter your user id( , name and POP address and check the relevant checkboxes.


8-Click on add account


9-Click on Yes- I want to be able to send mail from



10-Configure SMTP address and port number


11-Enter code which was sent by Google to your Godaddy site email id.




Now you can send and receive emails through your site email address.


Please let me know if you have any problem by commenting.



How configure gmail for other email ids like yahoo/hotmail ?



1- Go to gmail accounts –>settings

How to configure Tomcat for deploying WebApp in different location than default(webapps) ?


Category: ,

I was looking for customizing the web application which i need to download from SVN and customise it using eclipse ,straight forward way is to copy the app to TOMCAT_DIR\webapps and than open it using the eclipse and set the build path out to the classes folder of webapp but that will be outside my SVN folder/Eclipse work space which is separate space for source code and it is backed up on daily basis to keep the source code safe.

Following are the steps to configure tomcat for webapp deployment to different location than TOMCAT_DIR\webapps location.

1- Create an xml with the webapp name in TOMCAT_DIR\conf\catalina\webappname.xml

XML file looks like this

For Windows

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context docBase="C:\MyPrivateSVN\EclipseWorkSpace\webappname">


For Linux

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context docBase="/export/home/MyPrivateSVN/EclipseWorkSpace/webappname">

Note- This directory should have execute permission for user whish is being used to run TOMCAT .

Happy coding.