How to run Mac OS on Window 7 using VMware 7/8?



Here are the steps to run Mac OS on Windows 7 using VMware 7/8.


1- Download VMware 7/8

2-Install it on Windows 7

3- Download unlocker for VMware for Mac OS from given link

4- Unzip it on C drive

5 Click on install.cmd ,it will install Mac OS add on for VMware.

6-Download the Vmware image for Mac OS from internet, just search (Search Key words-mac os vmware image)-first or second link will be of torrent link. Download it

7- Download Hardware virtulation testing utility from Microsoft site from given URL

8- Run it, if you find that hard virtualization is not supported, you can not run Mac OS on Windows 7 using VMware. If virtualization is supported, read on

9- Steps to enable Hardware virtualization in Windows 7(Info from the following link- ) I copied from the site because most of time these links doesn’t work after some time.

Dell systems

  • Depress the F12 key when boot menu text appears at startup

  • Select BIOS setup and depress the Enter key

  • Using the mouse, expand the Virtualization Support menu item by clicking on the plus to the left of Virtualization Support and select Virtualization

  • Check the Enable Intel Virtualization Technology checkbox

  • Click Apply

  • Click Exit

  • Fully shut down (power off), wait a few seconds, and restart your computer

HP systems

  • Depress Esc key when prompted at startup

  • Depress the F10 key to Configure BIOS

  • Scroll to System Configuration using the arrow keys

  • Select Virtualization Technology and depress the Enter key

  • Select Enabled and depress the Enter key

  • Depress the F10 key to save and exit

  • Select Yes and depress the Enter key

  • Fully shut down (power off), wait a few seconds, and restart your computer

Lenovo ThinkPad systems

  • Depress the blue ThinkVantage key when prompted at startup

  • Depress the F1 key to enter the BIOS setup utility

  • Using the arrow keys, scroll to Config and depress the Enter key

  • Scroll to CPU and depress the Enter key

  • Scroll to Intel® Virtualization Technology and depress the Enter key

  • Select Enabled and depress the Enter key

  • Depress Enter key to continue

  • Depress F10 key to save and exit

  • Select Yes and depress the Enter key

  • Fully shut down (power off), wait a few seconds, and restart your computer


PCs capable of supporting Windows XP Mode have already been enabled and do not require additional configuration.


  • Depress the F2 key when boot menu text appears at startup

  • Select "Advanced" menu in Setup Utility

  • Change "Intel® Virtualization Technology" setting from "Disable" to "Enable"

  • Depress F10 to exit Setup Utility

  • Select "Yes" in confirmation menu

  • Depress Enter to exit confirmation menu.

10- Now go to VMware and click on Open existing VMware image and select the image downloaded in step 6.


If you are not able to do and need any detailed instructions,comment me .

Happy Macing.

How to set up NetBeans for WDK development/WDK app customization?



Install the Netbeands

Mount the file system which is the existing WDK based application you want to customize..

In the "File systems" view right click and select "Mount" --> "Local Directory" and navigate to the TOP LEVEL directory for the web application you wish to work on.

e.g. C:\tomcat-4.1.29\webapps\webtop

Click finish

If you have done this correctly, in the "Filesystems" view you should see two "drive" icons.

1) the root directory of the webapp. in this case


2) the location of the WDK classes and packages used by the webapp: in my case

C:\tomcat-4.1.29\webapps\webtop: /WEB-INF/classes

I also find various jar files mounted as the result of this process: ldapfilt.jar, ldapjdk.jar, regexp.jar, and webwfdserver.jar.

If you now look on the Project Mapped tab of the Project Explorer window you will see the project mapped view of this project. This is a simpler view and is the easiest place to work from. If you decide to mount other local directories outside the web application, they will show up in the "Filesystems" view but not the project mapped view.

The only remaining thing to do in order to be able to customize the application is to mount the remaining required DFC jar files.

In the "Filesystems" view, right click on the Filesystems label and select "Mount" --> "Archive Files" and navigate to the DFC related jar files in from C:\Program Files\Documentum\Shared directory.

Highlight each jar file you wish to mount (you can mount all of them to be safe).

You should be able to edit and compile JSP pages and java classes at this point.

To DEBUG these pages you have to add some startup parameters to the JVM when starting your application server. In my case, I am using Tomcat, and the changes to the catalina.bat file are as follows:

set CATALINA_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=9090,suspend=n

After starting Tomcat you can then connect to this application server instance from NetBeans.

From the NetBeans select the menu: "Debug" --> "Start Session" --> "Attach" and the Tomcat session on the port (9090) you defined in the startup parameters should appear. Select OK and you are ready to debug the application. You can set breakpoints, step through code, examine parameter values, etc. from NetBeans.

Note: If you install a WDK based application subsequently to makeing these changes to catalina.bat, the CATALINA_OPTS line in the new catalina.bat file will be corrupted and tomcat will fail to start. (See bug 141004).  So you will need to repair the new catalina.bat file from the backup copy that gets created, in order for Tomcat to start properly again.

How to configure Eclipse/Tomcat for WDK development?


Category: , , ,

Following are the steps to configure Tomcat with the Eclipse for WDK customisation and development.

1- Install the Tomcat if you have not installed it- Download URL -

2-Install the Eclipse Download URL -

3- Go to Windows –>Preferences in Eclipse –Click oimagen Server Node –>Click on RunTime Environments

4- Click on Add button on right side on above dialog box and choose your tomcat version, in my case it is 5.5 and click next


5-  Browse to the Tomcat installation folder .



6- Click Finish- Than –OK

7- Go to Windows menu->Open perspective –click on Web as shown in below screen shot


8-Now you will see the Server tab along with console –as shown in the screen shot


9-Right click on the tab and click on New –Add Server  and specify your server and click finish.



10-Now change server location and deploy path-Deploy path is the path of webapps folder of Tomcat where you all webapps are deployed.

11- You are ready to use Tomcat in Eclipse to do any WDK based app customization.


Happy Coding.

Why TIFF file doesnt openup in IE with its associated applicatin in WebTop?


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Why TIFF file doesn't open up in IE with its associated application in WebTop? Sometimes file doesn't show the .tiff extension on clicking view in WebTop and instead it shows the save dialogbox and here is the likely solution although you have tiff and windows image viewer associated with this file type to view it.

I have done a little bit of research and found out how windows IE detects file extension and associate it with the application to open it.

How IE detects file extension and opens the corresponding application to open it.

Determining File Name Extensions

Internet Explorer sets the file name extension of a downloaded file based on a few pieces of information available from the HTTP server and from the file itself. Internet Explorer confirms or resets the file name extension of a downloaded file to ensure that if the file is executed, Windows launches the proper application to handle it.

Internet Explorer first consults the Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers for the MIME type from the HTTP server, if they exist. Next, Internet Explorer consults the registry entry for that MIME type underHKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type and looks at the Extension key for the correct file name extension. Internet Explorer then ensures that the file has that extension, before placing it in the local browser cache.

If Internet Explorer knows the Content-Type specified and there is no Content-Disposition data, Internet Explorer performs a "MIME sniff," scanning the first 200 bytes of the file to determine if the file structure matches any known MIME types. For more information on MIME sniffing, see MIME Type Detection in Internet Explorer. If the MIME sniff detects a MIME type known to Internet Explorer, and the file has not been loaded by a mimefilter already, Internet Explorer sets that file name extension before placing the file in the local browser cache.

Lastly, if there is no Content-Type or Content-Disposition data, and the MIME sniff does not recognize a known MIME type, the file name extension is set to the same extension as the URL used to download the file.

If the file is marked as "content-disposition=attachment" in the HTTP header, Internet Explorer treats the file name from the URL as final and does not rename it before placing it in the cache.

Executing a Downloaded File

In Windows XP SP2 and later, after downloading a file, Internet Explorer consults the registry to find out which ProgID and CLSID is associated with the MIME type of the file. The browser then finds the ProgID and CLSID associated with the file name extension. If these ProgIDs do not match, and the CLSIDs do not match, Internet Explorer prompts the user before executing the file, as a safety precaution. Internet Explorer launches only the program associated with the MIME type of the downloaded file and not the program associated with the file name extension (if they are different programs). In Windows XP SP2 and later, if the MIME handler rejects the file, and the MIME handler and shell extension handler don't match, Internet Explorer shows an error dialog. Prior to Windows XP SP2, Internet Explorer opened the file using the shell extension handler if the MIME handler rejected the file.

If the MIME handler rejects the file with an error code of INET_E_CANNOT_LOAD_DATA, then Internet Explorer does not load the shell extension handler even if the ProgIDs or CLSIDs match. This is an extra security measure designed to prevent the shell extension handler from executing corrupt files.

If the file is marked as "content-disposition=attachment" in the HTTP header, Internet Explorer does not look at the MIME handler, shows a file download prompt, and, if instructed to run the attachment, it executes the file.

Updating your MIME Handler for Windows XP SP2 and Later

If you have developed a MIME handler that relies on Internet Explorer to load rejected files using the shell extension handler, there are a few changes you can make:

1. Update your MIME handler to handle the file directly rather than reject it.

2. Register a MIME handler and a shell extension handler with the same PROGID. Internet Explorer uses the shell extension handler automatically if its PROGID matches the MIME handler.

3. Tell Internet Explorer to skip the MIME handler in the case of a mismatch. If the MIME handler has thePreferExecuteOnMismatch key set to '1' in the registry, Internet Explorer does not use the MIME handler if the ProgID and CLSID of the shell extension handler does not match the MIME handler. Instead, Internet Explorer uses only the shell extension handler. The PreferExecuteOnMismatch key is a DWORD key placed under the ProgID of the MIME handler, for example:

PreferExecuteOnMismatch = DWORD:00000001

4. Register your MIME handler as a secure MIME handler. A secure MIME handler is constructed to securely process any file that is delegated to it. For example, a secure MIME handler should never allow an attacker to gain more privilege than allowed by the zone of the original file. Developers of a MIME handler should use threat modeling and code review to ensure secure failure modes and ensure that the handler is not vulnerable to buffer overruns. When a MIME handler is determined to be safe, it can be registered as safe by adding a registry key named after the ProgID of the MIME handler to the following locations:

Secure Mime Handlers

Secure Mime Handlers

The new key should have a value of DWORD=00000001.

Reference Link

How to upload/import to server and backup/export Captiva batches to/from server if needed?


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How to upload/import to server and backup/export Captiva batches to/from server if needed?

A- How to import Captiva batches to server from directory or a single batch

1. Launch Copy in production mode . The Copy module dialog displays.
2. Select Copy Batch or select Copy Batch from the File menu. The Copy Settings dialog displays.
3. Under Source, select Directory.

4. In the File name field, type the directory path and file name for the file you want to copy. Alternatively, select the Browse button. The Select File
to Open dialog displays. Navigate to the desired directory and file to be copied, and then select Open.
5. Under Stop Task and report error if, select the options you need, as necessary, so that the Copy module will display a dialog describing the
error for the selected options and abort the current task:

  • No files were found
  • A zip file was unable to decompress
  • A process was not uploaded
  • Unable to activate a process after uploading
  • Unable to delete a zip file
TypeClear any of the check boxes so that the Copy module will log an
error, skip processing the current file, and then continue processing the
next file if it encounters any errors.
6. Select the Destination tab. The Server option is selected by default.
7. Type information for the destination InputAccel Server in the Server, User, and Password fields.
8. Select the Copy directly from InputAccel Server Share check box if you are copying a file directly to a shared InputAccel Server directory.
9. After you have configured all setup options, select OK to save your settings to the InputAccel Server and close the Copy Settings dialog.

A- How to export batches to directory or a single batch from the server
Same utility is used to export batches from Accel Server ,this time you have to select the batches from server and export them to the directory

How to configure TOAD with Oracle DB ?


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Here is the steps to do it.

1) Install the oracle instant client. Unzip the files to a directory, and then copy the path of this directory to the clipboard.

2) Add this directory to the PATH environmental variable.

  • To do this, right click on My Computer,
  • Go to the Advanced tab,
  • Click 'Environment Variables'.
  • Under System variables, find 'Path'.
  • Select it, and click edit.
  • CTRL-V to paste the directory into the string,
  • OK.
  • Before: %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel;
  • After: %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel;C:\instantclient;

3) In the same window, under 'User variables for ...', Click the New button. Call the variable 'TNS_ADMIN'. ctrl-v to paste the directory path into the 'variable value' field. Say OK, and close out the 'My Computer' properties windows.

5) Create a file called 'TNSNAMES.ORA' in your instant client installation directory. In this file designate the connection parameters for your database.

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ipaddress)(PORT =
(SID = orcl)
5) Reset your computer, start Toad, and a new connection. You should see DB_SYSTEM as an option under the database field. Set your username and password, click on connect

Toad is nice tool but i don't like this dependency of Oracle Thin client but I think that is copyright matter with Oracle but it would be nice to see Toad come with Oracle client embedded as one click install .

Happy Querying. :-)

TagPoolingEnabledException when doing develeopment using Tomcat /Eclipse/WebTop



com.documentum.web.form.control.TagPoolingEnabledException: JSP tag pooling is not supported. Please refer to the product deployment guide for instructions on turning off tag pooling for the application server.


Add the enablePooling tag in Tomcat web.config file.

Documentum xPlore security Advisory


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This week EMC published a new security advisory. This time the advisory is related to Documentum xPlore.
Affected products:
  • EMC Documentum xPlore 1.0 (all patch versions)
  • EMC Documentum xPlore 1.1 (all patch versions prior to 1.1 P07)
  • EMC Documentum xPlore 1.2 (all patch versions)
As reported in the advisory:
EMC Documentum xPlore contains an information disclosure vulnerability that may allow unauthorized users, under certain circumstances, to see certain information on protected objects in an xPlore search result. They will not, however, be allowed to view the objects themselves, or any associated content.
Under specific circumstances, an authenticated user who does not have BROWSE permission on the object may be able to see the existence of or certain metadata on that object in a search result. However, the user will not be able to open the object or to look at property details for the object.
Resolution: The following EMC Documentum xPlore products contain resolutions to this issue:
  • EMC Documentum xPlore xPlore 1.1 P07
  • EMC Documentum xPlore 1.2 Hotfix for SRCH-7949
EMC strongly recommends all customers upgrade or install identified patches at the earliest opportunity. Documentum xPlore 1.1 patches can be found under the Documentum Content Server 6.7 directory.