How to install MTS on virtual Windows 2008 server ?



How to install the MTS on virtual Windows 2008 ?

If you have corrupted MTS installation and you want to clean up , please follow the below given steps.

1. Unconfigure the docbase using MTS configuration program. 
2. Uninstall MTS 
3. Remove the remaining Documentum products from Add/Remove Programs. 
4. Delete the following folders and all contents: 
C:\Program Files\Documentum 
5. Delete the Documentum entries from registry. 
6. Reboot the MTS machine to make sure everything is clean. 
7. Back up your custom profiles 
8. Log in to DA as an admin user. 
9. Delete the Media Server folder, located in: \System (select all children and all versions when prompted during delete) 
10. Navigate to \System\Applications 
11. Delete the CTSTransformRequest, MediaProfile, and Transformation folders if present 
(including all versions and sub folders). 
12. Navigate to the System\Modules\TBO folder 
13. Delete all of the following folders (if present): 
• dm_cts_response 
• dm_media_profile 
• dm_transform_request 
• dmc_cts_reporting_config 
• dmc_cts_request_archiving 
14. Navigate to the System\Modules\SBO folder and: 
• Delete all of the folders that start with ""; 
• Delete all of the folders that start with "". 
15. Run the following two DQL statements against the docbase, in this order: 
DQL> delete cts_instance_info object 
DQL> drop type cts_instance_info 
Restart the docbase

Install the MTS fresh after following the above given steps

1 Install MTS 6.5 SP3,
2- install 2 DAR files, 
3 configure MTS against this docbase again to see
4- Check the logs if everything has started properly 

Happy installing.

How to connect with Oracle DB using Java ?



Here is the code for connecting with Oracle DB using java .

please download the odbc14.jar file from the following link( and add it to the class path or add it to Eclipse as external jar .

If you use Eclipse like me , follow the below given step.
Go to Project->Right Click ->Properties->Java Build-> library tab-> external lib-> select obdc14.jar and this code is going to work .

import java.sql.*;
public class MainDriver {

* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

Connection connection = null;
try {
   // Load the JDBC driver
   String driverName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";

   // Create a connection to the database
   String serverName = "";
   String portNumber = "1777";
   String sid = "DOCDEV";
   String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@" + serverName + ":" + portNumber + ":" + sid;
   String username = "SAECMS";
   String password = "Amtrak_2011De";
   connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
   if(connection!= null)
    System.out.println("Connected Succussfully");
   System.out.println("Byue bye");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
   // Could not find the database driver
} catch (SQLException e) {
   // Could not connect to the database



Happy Coding.