How to install Captiva InputAccel Automatic Annotation client module as windows service?



How to install Captiva InputAccel Automatic Annotation as windows service?? It is also not supported by the EMC tech staff. Do it at your own risk.

1- Download the NSSM (NON-SUCKING SERVICE Manager )from the given URL


3- Copy the NSSM to InputAccel root folder(some safe location which is beyond normal user reach ) whatever it is on your installation

4- Go to Command prompt and go to NSSM folder

5- Go the Win32/win64 bit folder inside NSSM root folder as per your windows OS 32/64 bit availability.

6- NSSM install

7- It will open up a GUI window

8- Select your application exe

9- Give all the options for that client application

10- Give name to the service as shown in below screen shot.


11 – Click on the install service

To remove the service.

1- Command prompt

2- Go to NSSM root folder

3- Go to Win32/64 bit

4- Type command –NSSM remove

5- It will open a windows and ask you the windows service name which you installed using NSSM. clip_image002

6-Click on Remove service.


Note- Please don’t delete or remove the NSSM folder from the system because it keeps the service information about your service which is running, in this case, it is InputAccel Automatic Annotation. NSSM acts like virtual service manager for all of your services.

Happy Annotating.

Please don’t forget to comment if you need any assistance.